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Unveiling the Ownership of Shipstation: Who Owns the Award-Winning E-commerce Shipping Software?

Who Owns Shipstation

Curious about who owns ShipStation? Find out here! ShipStation is a leading ecommerce shipping platform owned by

Who owns Shipstation? That's the question that's been on everyone's mind lately. Is it a group of tech-savvy entrepreneurs who've cracked the code to e-commerce success? Is it a secret government agency looking to streamline their shipping process? Or maybe it's just a sentient computer program that's taken over the world?

Okay, okay, let's be serious for a minute. Shipstation is actually owned by a company called, which you may have heard of if you've ever needed to print postage from your home or office. But just because they're owned by a bigger company doesn't mean Shipstation isn't its own entity with its own quirks and personality.

For starters, Shipstation is known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. Whether you're a small business owner just starting out or a seasoned e-commerce pro, Shipstation makes it easy to manage all your shipping needs in one place. And with integrations to popular platforms like Shopify, Amazon, and eBay, you can seamlessly sync your orders and get them out the door faster than ever.

But don't just take our word for it. According to a recent survey, Shipstation users rated the platform an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars for overall satisfaction. That's pretty impressive, considering how picky online shoppers can be these days.

Of course, no platform is perfect. Some users have complained about glitches or slow load times, but overall the consensus seems to be that Shipstation is a reliable and trustworthy choice for anyone looking to streamline their shipping process.

So what's next for Shipstation? Well, as e-commerce continues to grow and evolve, you can bet they'll be right there at the forefront, innovating and adapting to meet the needs of their users. Who knows, maybe someday they'll even develop that sentient computer program we joked about earlier. Hey, anything's possible.

But for now, we can rest easy knowing that Shipstation is in good hands with And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to say you were using Shipstation before it became the next big thing.

The Mystery of Shipstation Ownership

Ahoy there, mateys! Have you ever wondered who the captain of Shipstation is? Who's steering this ship towards success? Well, let's hoist the sails and set a course for discovery!

The Early Days

Shipstation was founded in 2011 by Jason Hodges and Byron Wier. They were two entrepreneurs who saw a gap in the market for an all-in-one shipping solution for eCommerce businesses. Their idea quickly took off, and Shipstation became the go-to platform for online sellers to manage their shipping needs.

The Acquisition

In 2014,, a leading provider of online postage and shipping software, acquired Shipstation. This was a significant milestone for Shipstation, as it allowed them to expand their reach and resources. However, the acquisition also brought up questions about Shipstation's ownership.

The Connection is a publicly traded company, which means that anyone can buy shares and become a part-owner. However, the majority of's shares are held by institutional investors, such as banks and pension funds. So, in a way, these institutions own a portion of Shipstation.

The Founders' Stake

When Shipstation was acquired, it's likely that the founders, Hodges and Wier, received a payout. This could have been in the form of cash or stock options in If they chose the latter, they would still have a stake in the company, but it would be a smaller percentage than before.

The Employee Stock Option Plan

Shipstation has an employee stock option plan, which allows its employees to own a small piece of the company. This is a common practice among startups and tech companies, as it incentivizes employees to work harder and stay with the company for longer. So, in a way, Shipstation is owned by its employees too!

The Board of Directors

The board of directors oversees the company's operations and makes strategic decisions. While they don't necessarily own Shipstation, they have a say in how it's run. So, if you want to know who's in charge of Shipstation, you might want to take a look at the board members.

The Customers

Without customers, Shipstation wouldn't exist. So, in a way, the customers own Shipstation too. They're the ones who use the platform, provide feedback, and recommend it to others. While they don't have a financial stake in the company, their support and loyalty are invaluable.

The Future

Shipstation's future is bright, with new features and integrations being added all the time. Who knows what other surprises are in store for this shipping powerhouse? Regardless of who technically owns the company, we can all agree that Shipstation is a vital tool for eCommerce businesses everywhere.

In Conclusion

So, who owns Shipstation? The answer is complicated and multi-faceted. From the founders to the employees, from the institutional investors to the customers, everyone has a stake in Shipstation's success. But ultimately, it's the collective effort of all these parties that make Shipstation the powerhouse it is today.

Until next time, fair winds and following seas!

The Mystery of Shipstation Ownership

It's the question on everyone's mind - who exactly owns Shipstation? We've done some digging and we can definitively say that it's not Elon Musk. We know, we were disappointed too.

Definitely not Captain Jack Sparrow, either. As much as we'd love to believe that a pirate has taken over the reins of this shipping software, it just doesn't seem plausible.

And let's be real here, the Tooth Fairy? Unlikely. While it's possible that she's diversified her portfolio beyond teeth, we have a hard time believing that she's the one calling the shots at Shipstation.

Nope, not the Loch Ness Monster either. We know, we know - she's been known to dabble in business ventures every once in a while. But we highly doubt that she's behind one of the most popular shipping solutions on the market.

We heard it might be Bigfoot... just kidding. Although, it would explain why our packages sometimes show up with a few extra claw marks.

Batman? Beyoncé? Dumbledore?

Let's rule out Santa Claus while we're at it. We know he has a lot of connections up at the North Pole, but we don't think he's branching out into e-commerce just yet.

So who does that leave us with? Not Batman... or is it? We have to admit, he does seem like the type to have his hand in multiple successful businesses.

But alas, we have no concrete evidence to suggest that the Dark Knight is the proud owner of Shipstation. Beyoncé? We wish. Can you imagine the fierce shipping solutions she would come up with?

And as much as we'd love to see Dumbledore running the show, we have a feeling that he's too busy keeping Hogwarts in line. Plus, we're not sure how well his wizarding powers would translate to the world of shipping and logistics.

The Big Reveal?

So after all of our sleuthing, we still don't have a definitive answer on who owns Shipstation. The suspense is killing us!

But in all seriousness, while we may never know the true identity of the owner, what we do know is that Shipstation is a reliable and efficient shipping solution that helps businesses of all sizes streamline their operations. And really, that's all that matters in the end.

The Mysterious Owner of Shipstation

A Humorous Take on the Elusive Owner

Have you ever wondered who owns Shipstation? Well, join the club! It seems that no one really knows who the owner is, which has led to all sorts of speculation and rumors.

Some say that it's a group of tech-savvy pirates who have taken over the high seas of e-commerce. Others believe that it's a secret government agency that uses Shipstation to track the movements of online shoppers. And then there are those who swear that it's just a guy named Dave who lives in his mom's basement and likes to wear a captain's hat.

The Real Story

So, who really owns Shipstation? The answer is actually quite one knows!

Despite all the rumors and theories, the true identity of the owner is a closely guarded secret. It's like trying to find the Holy Grail or the Loch Ness Monster. Some things are just meant to remain a mystery.

The Facts About Shipstation

Although we may not know who owns Shipstation, we do know some interesting facts about this popular shipping software:

  1. Shipstation was founded in 2011 by Jason Hodges and Byron Wier.
  2. It is based in Austin, Texas.
  3. Shipstation integrates with over 100 different e-commerce platforms and marketplaces.
  4. It offers a variety of features, including batch label printing, order tracking, and custom packing slips.
  5. Shipstation has won numerous awards for its innovative technology and user-friendly platform.

The Bottom Line

So, there you have it. We may never know who owns Shipstation, but we can still appreciate the amazing service that it provides to online sellers. And who knows...maybe one day the owner will reveal themselves and we'll all get to meet the mysterious captain of the e-commerce seas.


  • Shipstation
  • Owner
  • E-commerce
  • Austin
  • Features

Who Owns ShipStation?

Welcome to the end of this blog post! If you've made it this far, congratulations! You're about to find out who owns ShipStation.

But before we get into that, let's recap what we've learned so far. We've talked about how ShipStation is a fantastic tool for e-commerce businesses that want to streamline their shipping process. We've also discussed some of the features that make ShipStation stand out, including its integrations with popular marketplaces and carriers.

But enough about that. You're here for one thing and one thing only: the answer to the burning question on everyone's mind. Who owns ShipStation?

Well, the short answer is this: ShipStation is owned by a company called If you're not familiar with, they're a publicly traded company that provides online postage and shipping solutions for small businesses and individuals.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Wow, that was anticlimactic. But don't worry, we're not done yet. Let's take a closer look at and why they decided to acquire ShipStation in the first place. was founded in 1996 and has since grown into a leading provider of online postage solutions. In 2017, they announced that they had acquired ShipStation in a deal worth $50 million.

So, why did decide to acquire ShipStation? Well, according to CEO Ken McBride, it was all about expanding their offerings to e-commerce businesses:

The acquisition of ShipStation represents a strategic investment in our high volume and e-commerce shipping business, McBride said in a press release. ShipStation's software is a great complement to our current offerings and we expect it to further solidify our position as a leading provider of e-commerce shipping solutions.

And it seems like the acquisition has paid off. In 2018, reported that its revenue had increased by 25% thanks in part to the success of ShipStation.

So, there you have it. ShipStation is owned by, a company that provides online postage and shipping solutions for small businesses and individuals. And while the answer may not have been as exciting as you were hoping for, hopefully, you've learned a thing or two along the way.

Before I go, I'd like to remind you that if you're running an e-commerce business and haven't tried ShipStation yet, you should definitely give it a shot. It's a fantastic tool that can save you time and money when it comes to shipping your products.

Thanks for reading, and happy shipping!

Who Owns Shipstation? - A Question Worth Asking

But Why Do People Ask This Question?

Well, because they are curious! And let's face it, when you are using a service, you want to know who is behind it. Who are the masterminds that created this wonderful tool that has made your life so much easier?

Moreover, knowing who owns Shipstation can also give you an idea about the company's values and principles. Are they a big corporation only interested in profit, or are they a small business with a heart?

So, Who Owns Shipstation?

The answer is quite simple – Shipstation is owned by, a publicly traded company based in El Segundo, California.

Now, before you start imagining a bunch of corporate suits sitting in a fancy office, let's take a closer look at They have been around since 1996 and have always been committed to helping small businesses succeed.

Here are a few reasons why is a great parent company for Shipstation:

  • offers a range of shipping solutions for small businesses, from postage meters to online shipping software like Shipstation.
  • They have a strong focus on customer service and provide support via phone, email, and chat to help their customers every step of the way.
  • is committed to sustainability and has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant trees across the country.


So, there you have it! Shipstation is owned by a company that is dedicated to helping small businesses thrive. Now, go ahead and enjoy the benefits of using Shipstation with the knowledge that it is backed by a company with a heart.