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Orisa's Weakness Revealed: Discover the Top Heroes to Counter Her in Overwatch

Who Counters Orisa

Find out which heroes are the best counters to Orisa in Overwatch. Learn how to take down this formidable tank hero with our expert tips.

Who counters Orisa? Ah, the million-dollar question that every Overwatch player wants to know. Well, let me tell you, my dear reader, that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this conundrum. You see, Orisa is a formidable tank hero that can hold her ground and dish out serious damage. However, she's not invincible, and with the right strategy and hero selection, you can take her down without breaking a sweat. So, let's delve into the world of Orisa counters and find out who can put the squeeze on this robotic behemoth.

Firstly, we have the ever-popular flankers like Tracer and Genji. These nimble heroes can weave in and out of Orisa's shield, making it difficult for her to track them. Plus, their high mobility and burst damage can take Orisa down before she knows what hit her. Of course, this requires some skill and finesse, but if you're a seasoned flanker, then Orisa is just another obstacle in your path.

Another hero that gives Orisa trouble is Junkrat. His explosive projectiles can bypass her shield and deal significant damage to her and her team. Furthermore, his trap and mine abilities can immobilize Orisa and leave her vulnerable to attack. Just be careful not to get caught in her Halt ability, or you might find yourself flying into the air and easy pickings for her teammates.

If you're looking for a more straightforward approach, then look no further than Pharah. Her rockets can rain down from above and bypass Orisa's shield, dealing massive damage to her and her team. Plus, her high mobility and hover ability make it difficult for Orisa to track her and retaliate. Just watch out for Orisa's Fortify ability, which can reduce incoming damage and knockback.

Now, let's talk about some tank heroes that can give Orisa a run for her money. Firstly, we have Reinhardt, the OG tank hero. His hammer swings can break through Orisa's shield and deal massive damage to her and her team. Plus, his charge ability can catch Orisa off guard and leave her vulnerable to follow-up attacks. Just be careful not to get caught in her Halt ability, or you might find yourself pinned against a wall.

Another tank hero that can counter Orisa is Winston. His Tesla Cannon can bypass her shield and zap her and her team with electricity. Plus, his high mobility and jump pack ability make it difficult for Orisa to track him and retaliate. Just be careful not to get caught in her Halt ability, or you might find yourself stuck in place and an easy target for her teammates.

If you're looking for a more niche pick, then consider Roadhog. His hook ability can pull Orisa out of position and leave her vulnerable to follow-up attacks. Plus, his Scrap Gun can deal massive damage to her and her team, and his Take a Breather ability can heal him up after taking damage. Just be careful not to get caught in her Halt ability, or you might find yourself pulled away from your team and into danger.

Of course, these are just a few examples of heroes that can counter Orisa. There are many other heroes and strategies that can work, depending on the situation and your playstyle. The key is to stay flexible and adapt to the enemy team's composition and tactics.

In conclusion, who counters Orisa? The answer is not so simple, my dear reader, but hopefully, this article has given you some ideas and inspiration for your next match. Remember, Overwatch is a game of teamwork and strategy, and no hero is invincible. So, keep practicing, keep experimenting, and most importantly, have fun!


Orisa is a popular hero in Overwatch. She is a tank hero with a large health pool and a protective barrier that can protect her team from enemy fire. However, like every other hero, Orisa has some weaknesses that can be exploited by the enemy team. In this article, we will discuss who counters Orisa and how they can do it.


If you are tired of Orisa's protective barrier, then Junkrat is the hero for you. His explosive weapons can easily destroy Orisa's barrier, leaving her and her team exposed to enemy fire. Additionally, Junkrat's ultimate ability, RIP-tire, can easily take out Orisa from a safe distance.

How to counter Orisa as Junkrat

If you want to counter Orisa as Junkrat, the key is to stay mobile and unpredictable. Use your concussion mine to jump around the map and flank Orisa from unexpected angles. Additionally, try to target Orisa's barrier first to create openings for your team to attack.


Sombra is a stealthy hero that excels at disrupting the enemy team. Her hacking ability can easily disable Orisa's barrier and prevent her from using her abilities. Additionally, Sombra's EMP ultimate can disable all of Orisa's abilities, leaving her and her team vulnerable.

How to counter Orisa as Sombra

If you want to counter Orisa as Sombra, focus on disabling her abilities and hacking her barrier. Use your stealth to get behind Orisa and hack her from behind. Additionally, communicate with your team to coordinate attacks and take advantage of Orisa's vulnerability.


Reaper is a close-range hero that can easily take down Orisa and her team. His shotguns deal massive damage up close, and his Wraith Form ability allows him to escape danger quickly. Additionally, Reaper's ultimate ability, Death Blossom, can easily wipe out Orisa and her team if they are grouped together.

How to counter Orisa as Reaper

If you want to counter Orisa as Reaper, focus on flanking and surprise attacks. Use your Shadow Step ability to get behind Orisa and unleash your shotgun blasts. Additionally, try to avoid Orisa's Halt ability, which can pull you out of position and leave you vulnerable.


Bastion is a powerful hero that can easily shred through Orisa's barrier and health pool. His Sentry mode can deal massive damage from a safe distance, and his Tank mode can easily take out Orisa and her team.

How to counter Orisa as Bastion

If you want to counter Orisa as Bastion, focus on positioning and communication with your team. Stay behind cover and use your Recon mode to scout out the enemy team. Additionally, communicate with your team to coordinate attacks and take advantage of Orisa's weaknesses.


Pharah is a hero that excels at dealing damage from the air. Her rockets can easily destroy Orisa's barrier and her Concussive Blast ability can disrupt Orisa and her team's positioning. Additionally, Pharah's ultimate ability, Barrage, can easily wipe out Orisa and her team if they are grouped together.

How to counter Orisa as Pharah

If you want to counter Orisa as Pharah, focus on staying in the air and using your mobility to stay out of danger. Use your Concussive Blast ability to disrupt Orisa and her team's positioning. Additionally, communicate with your team to coordinate attacks and take advantage of Orisa's weaknesses.


In conclusion, Orisa is a strong hero in Overwatch, but she does have some weaknesses that can be exploited by the enemy team. If you want to counter Orisa, consider using heroes like Junkrat, Sombra, Reaper, Bastion, and Pharah. Remember to communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks to take advantage of Orisa's vulnerabilities.

The Orisa-be-gone Squad: Who Can Stand Up to This Robo-Boss?

Orisa may be tough, but she's not invincible. There are plenty of heroes who can take her down a notch and leave her in sweats. Let's take a look at the Orisa Slayer's Arsenal and see who's got what it takes to go head-to-head with this titan.

Taking Orisa Down a Notch: Meet the Heroes Who Can Handle the Pressure

First up, we've got Junkrat. This explosive expert knows how to take advantage of Orisa's slow movement speed and lack of mobility. With his concussion mines and grenades, he can blast her away from objectives and keep her off-balance.

Next, we have Sombra. Her hacking ability can shut down Orisa's shields and abilities, leaving her vulnerable to attack. Plus, Sombra's translocator allows her to quickly escape Orisa's grasp if things get too hot.

Orisa's Achilles Heel: Who's Got the Tricks to Topple This Tank?

If you're looking to take down Orisa, look no further than Tracer. This speedy hero can zip around Orisa and dodge her attacks, while peppering her with bullets. Plus, Tracer's pulse bomb can deal massive damage to Orisa's health pool.

Another hero who can give Orisa trouble is Pharah. Her rockets can easily break through Orisa's shields, and her aerial mobility makes her difficult for Orisa to hit. Plus, Pharah's ultimate can wipe out Orisa and any other enemies in the area.

Orisa's Worst Nightmare: Meet the Heroes Who Can Leave Her In Sweats

If you really want to make Orisa sweat, bring in a Bastion. This turret mode expert can shred through Orisa's health pool with ease, and his ultimate can take out entire teams in seconds.

Another hero who can leave Orisa in a panic is Mei. Her ice wall can block off Orisa's movement and force her to take a detour, while her freeze gun can slow Orisa down to a crawl. Plus, Mei's ultimate can freeze Orisa and any other enemies in the area, making them easy targets for her allies.

Orisa's Weakness Exposed: Who's Got the Strategies to Outsmart This Bot?

If you're looking to outsmart Orisa, try using Winston. His bubble shield can block Orisa's attacks and allow him to get up close and personal with her. Plus, Winston's jump ability makes him difficult for Orisa to track, and his Tesla Cannon can deal constant damage to her.

Another hero who can outsmart Orisa is Hanzo. His sonic arrow can reveal Orisa's location, making her an easy target for his arrows. Plus, Hanzo's ultimate can scatter Orisa and any other enemies in the area, dealing massive damage.

The Orisa Antidote: How to Neutralize This Tank's Devastating Attacks

To neutralize Orisa's attacks, try using D.Va. Her Defense Matrix can eat up Orisa's projectiles and prevent them from hitting her or her allies. Plus, D.Va's boosters allow her to quickly close the distance and take Orisa out of the fight.

Another hero who can neutralize Orisa's attacks is Zenyatta. His Orb of Discord can increase the damage Orisa takes from her enemies, while his Orb of Harmony can heal his allies and keep them in the fight. Plus, Zenyatta's ultimate can provide a massive amount of healing and protection to his team.

Orisa Gets Schooled: Meet the Heroes Who Can Teach Her a Lesson or Two

If you're looking to teach Orisa a lesson, try using Roadhog. His Chain Hook can pull Orisa out of position and leave her vulnerable to attack. Plus, Roadhog's Scrap Gun can deal massive damage to Orisa and any other enemies in the area.

Another hero who can teach Orisa a lesson is Genji. His swift movement and deflect ability can make him difficult for Orisa to hit, while his shurikens can whittle away at her health pool. Plus, Genji's ultimate can deal massive damage to Orisa and any other enemies in the area.

Cracking the Orisa Code: Who's Got the Intelligence to Take Down This Machine?

If you're looking to crack the Orisa code, try using Symmetra. Her turrets can slow Orisa down and deal constant damage to her, while her photon projector can quickly melt through her health pool. Plus, Symmetra's ultimate can provide a massive amount of shielding to her team.

Another hero who can crack the Orisa code is Torbjörn. His turret can deal constant damage to Orisa and any other enemies in the area, while his rivet gun can whittle away at her health pool. Plus, Torbjörn's ultimate can provide a massive amount of armor to his team.

Orisa Meets Her Match: Who's Got What it Takes to Go Head-to-Head with This Titan?

If you're looking for a hero who can go head-to-head with Orisa, look no further than Reinhardt. His shield can block Orisa's attacks and allow his team to move forward, while his hammer can deal massive damage to her and any other enemies in the area. Plus, Reinhardt's charge ability can knock Orisa out of position and leave her vulnerable to attack.

Another hero who can go head-to-head with Orisa is Zarya. Her barriers can soak up Orisa's attacks and provide her with a massive amount of energy, which she can use to deal even more damage. Plus, Zarya's ultimate can group Orisa and any other enemies in the area together, making them easy targets for her allies.

So there you have it, folks. The Orisa-be-gone Squad has plenty of options when it comes to taking down this robo-boss. Whether you're looking to outsmart her or go head-to-head with her, these heroes have got you covered. So get out there and give Orisa a run for her money!

Who Counters Orisa?

The Tale of the Overwatch Heroes

Once upon a time, in the world of Overwatch, there lived a brave robot named Orisa. She was a protector, a defender, and a beacon of hope for her team. But little did she know, there were heroes out there who could counter her in battle.

It all started when Wrecking Ball, the hamster in a giant ball, came rolling in. He was quick, agile, and could knock Orisa around like a ping pong ball. Poor Orisa didn't stand a chance against him. But she refused to give up and continued to fight with all her might.

Then came Sombra, the hacker extraordinaire. She could easily hack Orisa's shield and abilities, leaving her vulnerable to attacks. Orisa tried to protect herself, but Sombra was always one step ahead.

Next up was Junkrat, the explosive maniac. He could easily destroy Orisa's barrier and wreak havoc on her team. Orisa tried to hold her ground, but Junkrat's bombs were too much for her to handle.

Finally, there was Reaper, the deadly assassin. He could phase through Orisa's shield and take her down with ease. Orisa tried to fight back, but Reaper was too fast and too strong for her.

Despite the challenges, Orisa never gave up. She learned to adapt and work with her team to counter these heroes. With the help of her friends, Orisa emerged victorious in battle, earning the respect and admiration of her fellow Overwatch heroes.

Table of Counters:

  • Wrecking Ball - Can knock Orisa around and disrupt her abilities
  • Sombra - Can hack Orisa's shield and abilities, leaving her vulnerable to attacks
  • Junkrat - Can easily destroy Orisa's barrier and wreak havoc on her team
  • Reaper - Can phase through Orisa's shield and take her down with ease

But fear not, dear reader. Orisa is a tough robot, and with the right strategy and teamwork, she can overcome any obstacle. So go out there and show those counters who's boss!

Goodbye, Fellow Overwatch Players!

Well, it looks like we have come to the end of our journey together. I hope you found my article on Who Counters Orisa informative and entertaining. Before I bid you farewell, let me summarize what we have learned so far.

Orisa is one of the most popular heroes in Overwatch, thanks to her incredible tanking abilities and damage output. However, she is not invincible, and there are a few heroes who can counter her effectively. These include:

  • D.Va
  • Reaper
  • Junkrat
  • Sombra
  • Bastion
  • Widowmaker

If you want to take down Orisa, then these are the heroes you should consider picking. Of course, you need to be skilled with them, or you'll end up getting wrecked by Orisa's team.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But, hey! I thought this article was supposed to be humorous! Well, don't worry, my friends. I haven't forgotten about that. In fact, let me share some jokes with you that will make you chuckle (or groan). Here we go:

Q: What do you call it when Orisa gets a killstreak? A: Orisacide

Q: Why did Orisa cross the road? A: To get to the other side of the payload.

Q: How does Orisa like her coffee? A: With a shield of milk.

Okay, okay, I know. These jokes are terrible. But, hey, at least I tried. Now, let's get serious again for a moment.

If you want to become a better Overwatch player, then you need to keep learning and practicing. Don't be afraid to experiment with different heroes and strategies. Watch videos of pro players and learn from their gameplay. Join online communities and discuss tactics with other players.

Remember, Overwatch is a game that requires teamwork and communication. So, don't be a lone wolf. Work together with your team and communicate effectively. And most importantly, have fun!

Finally, I want to thank you all for reading my article. I hope you found it helpful and enjoyable. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. I'll try my best to answer them.

Until next time, take care and happy gaming!

Who Counters Orisa?

People Also Ask:

1. Who is Orisa?

Orisa is a hero in the popular team-based game, Overwatch. She is a tank hero that has a large health pool and the ability to protect her teammates with barriers.

2. Why do players want to know who counters Orisa?

Players want to know who counters Orisa so they can have an advantage over their opponents in a match. Knowing which heroes are strong against her can help players make better decisions during gameplay.

3. Can Orisa be countered?

Yes, like all heroes in Overwatch, Orisa can be countered by certain heroes. However, this doesn't mean that she is weak or ineffective. It just means that there are heroes that are better suited to take her down.


Who counters Orisa, you ask? Well, fear not my friends, for I have the answer! Here are some heroes that can give Orisa a run for her money:

  1. Doomfist - This guy is a real powerhouse. His abilities allow him to get up close and personal with Orisa, which can be dangerous for her. If he manages to land his ultimate ability on her, it's game over for our dear robot friend.
  2. Wrecking Ball - This little hamster in a giant ball may seem cute, but he's a force to be reckoned with. His mobility and ability to disrupt Orisa's positioning make him a real threat.
  3. Zenyatta - Yes, you read that right. Zenyatta may not seem like a hero that can take down a tank, but his Discord Orb ability can make Orisa much easier to kill.
  4. Bastion - This robot knows how to deal some serious damage. His high damage output can shred through Orisa's barriers and health pool in no time.
  5. Sombra - This sneaky hacker can really mess with Orisa's abilities. Her ability to hack Orisa's barrier and ultimate ability can make things difficult for our friendly neighborhood tank hero.

So there you have it, folks! These heroes are some of the best counters to Orisa. However, keep in mind that Overwatch is a team-based game and success often depends on teamwork and coordination. So, don't just rely on these heroes to take down Orisa. Work together with your team and communicate effectively to achieve victory!