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Dominate the Rift: The Ultimate Guide on Who Can Counter Alistar

Who Counter Alistar

Learn how to counter Alistar in League of Legends and dominate the battlefield. Master his weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.

Who Counter Alistar? That's the million-dollar question that many League of Legends players have been asking themselves. Well, fear no more because I am here to tell you all about Alistar's weaknesses and who can take him down. This horned beast may be a nightmare in the bot lane, but with the right champion and strategy, he can easily be taken down. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn how to counter Alistar.

First things first, let's talk about Alistar's kit. He's a tanky support champion whose abilities revolve around crowd control and protecting his allies. His Q ability, Pulverize, knocks up enemies in a small area around him. His W ability, Headbutt, allows him to charge towards an enemy champion and knock them back. His E ability, Trample, deals damage to nearby enemies and reduces their crowd control duration. Finally, his ultimate ability, Unbreakable Will, grants him increased stats and immunity to crowd control effects.

Now, onto the juicy part – countering Alistar. One of the best ways to take down this bull is to pick a champion with high mobility. Champions like Vayne, Lucian, and Ezreal can easily dodge Alistar's abilities and kite him around. This makes it difficult for Alistar to engage and set up plays for his team. Additionally, champions with long-range abilities like Lux, Xerath, and Ziggs can poke him down from a safe distance. This puts pressure on Alistar to either engage or retreat, both of which can be capitalized on by the opposing team.

Another way to counter Alistar is to pick champions with crowd control abilities of their own. Champions like Morgana, Thresh, and Leona can interrupt Alistar's engages with their stuns and roots. This not only prevents Alistar from setting up plays but also puts him in a vulnerable position for the opposing team to take advantage of. Additionally, champions with knockbacks and knockups like Poppy, Janna, and Lee Sin can disrupt Alistar's combos and displace him away from his team.

While picking the right champion is important, it's also crucial to have a solid game plan when facing Alistar. One strategy is to bait out Alistar's abilities before engaging. This can be done by getting close to him and then quickly backing away. This forces Alistar to use his abilities in an attempt to catch the opposing team off guard. Once his abilities are on cooldown, the opposing team can engage without fear of being knocked up or displaced.

Another strategy is to focus on Alistar's weaknesses. While he may be tanky, he lacks sustain and relies heavily on his abilities to survive. This makes him vulnerable to champions that deal sustained damage over time like Cassiopeia, Brand, and Malzahar. These champions can whittle down Alistar's health and force him to retreat or risk dying in a fight.

In conclusion, countering Alistar may seem like a daunting task, but with the right champion and strategy, he can be taken down. Whether it's through high mobility, crowd control, or focusing on his weaknesses, there's always a way to come out on top. So, next time you see Alistar in the bot lane, don't be afraid – be prepared.


Alistar is one of the most popular support champions in League of Legends, but he can be a real pain to deal with in lane. His crowd control abilities are top-notch, and his ultimate makes him incredibly tanky. But fear not! There are ways to counter Alistar and come out on top.

The Unlucky Cow:

Let's be honest, who doesn't love seeing Alistar charging towards you with his big, beefy body? But if you're looking to take him down, you'll need to do more than just admire his physique. The first step is to understand his weaknesses.


Alistar is a melee champion, which means he has to get up close and personal to use his abilities effectively. He's also incredibly reliant on his crowd control abilities, which have long cooldowns. If you can bait out his abilities and avoid getting caught in his combos, you'll have a much easier time dealing with him.

Champions that Counter Alistar:

Now that we've covered Alistar's weaknesses, let's talk about how to exploit them. Here are some champions that are particularly effective against Alistar:


Vayne is a great pick against Alistar because she can dodge his abilities with her tumble and kite him around with her silver bolts. Her true damage also makes quick work of his tankiness.


Janna is a utility support champion that can peel for her allies and disrupt Alistar's engages. Her tornado and ultimate can knock Alistar away and prevent him from reaching your backline.


Nami is another support champion that can provide a lot of utility in lane. Her bubble and ultimate can both interrupt Alistar's engages and allow her allies to disengage or reposition.


Thresh is a playmaking support that can hook Alistar out of position and flay him away from his team. His lantern can also provide an escape for his allies if Alistar manages to catch them.

How to Play Against Alistar:

Now that you have an idea of which champions to pick against Alistar, let's talk about how to play against him in lane.

Bait Out His Abilities:

As mentioned earlier, Alistar's abilities have long cooldowns. If you can bait out his headbutt-pulverize combo, you'll have a window of opportunity to trade back or disengage.


When playing against Alistar, it's important to position yourself correctly. Stay behind minions or your tankier allies to avoid getting caught by his abilities. If Alistar does manage to engage on you, try to kite him around and avoid standing in his ultimate zone.


Warding is always important, but it's especially crucial when playing against Alistar. Keep vision of river and tri-bush so you can see him coming and avoid getting caught off guard.


Alistar may be a beefy support champion, but he's not invincible. By understanding his weaknesses and picking the right champions to counter him, you can turn the tide of any game. Remember to bait out his abilities, position yourself correctly, and keep vision of the map. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to beating the unlucky cow!

The bull has met his match

Alistar may seem like a formidable opponent with his big horns and muscular body, but don't let that intimidate you. You can counter him with ease if you know how to play your cards right.

Ain't nobody got time for that headbutt

One of Alistar's signature moves is his headbutt, but ain't nobody got time for that. To dodge it, simply move to the side or use a dash ability to get out of the way. You can also use a crowd control ability to stop him in his tracks.

How to dodge Alistar's unrelenting hooves

Alistar's unrelenting hooves can be a pain to deal with, but fear not. You can dodge them by moving away from him or using a blink ability to get out of range. Alternatively, you can stun him or knock him up to interrupt his attack.

Alistar who? I only see a cute cow

Let's be honest, Alistar may be tough, but he's no match for a witty player. Instead of fearing him, why not make fun of him? Call him a cute cow and watch as his confidence crumbles.

Moooove over Alistar, the real champion is here

If you really want to get under Alistar's skin, show him who's boss. Pick a champion that counters him and dominate the lane. Let him know that he's not the only one with big muscles.

Udder-ly defeating Alistar with ease

Alistar may think he's all that, but he's nothing compared to a player who knows what they're doing. Use your knowledge of his weaknesses to defeat him with ease. He won't know what hit him.

Why bull-ieve in Alistar when you can counter him?

Don't be fooled by Alistar's tough exterior. He may seem like a force to be reckoned with, but he's really just a big cow. Why bull-ieve in him when you can counter him and make him look like a fool?

Alistar may be tough, but he's no match for a witty player

If you want to really get under Alistar's skin, use your wit to taunt him. Make fun of his size, his horns, or his mooing. He may try to attack you, but you'll be too busy laughing to even notice.

Alistar's horns ain't got nothing on these sharp comebacks

Alistar may have big horns, but you have something even sharper: your comebacks. Use them to put him in his place and show him who's boss. He won't stand a chance against your quick wit.

Countering Alistar: it's a-moo-sing how easy it is

When it comes down to it, countering Alistar is easier than milking a cow. All you need is some knowledge of his weaknesses, a bit of humor, and a lot of skill. So next time you see Alistar charging at you, just remember: it's a-moo-sing how easy it is to defeat him.

Who Counter Alistar?

The Story of the Cowardly Support and His Nemesis

Once upon a time, in the rift of Summoner's Rift, there was a support who was known for his cowardly ways. He would always hide behind his ADC, only coming out to heal or throw a skill shot. This support's name was Timmy.

One day, Timmy found himself facing off against the mighty Alistar. The cow-like champion charged towards him with his head down, ready to pulverize Timmy into the ground. Timmy panicked and ran away, leaving his ADC to die.

From that day on, Timmy vowed to find a way to counter Alistar. He researched and studied every champion in the League of Legends until he found the perfect counter to the cow. Timmy was ready to face Alistar once again.

The Nemesis of Alistar

The champion that Timmy discovered was none other than Janna, the Storm's Fury. Her abilities allowed her to disrupt Alistar's combos and keep him at bay. Timmy picked Janna in his next game against Alistar and it worked like a charm. He was finally able to stand up to the cow and even defeat him.

From that day forward, Timmy became known as the nemesis of Alistar. He never backed down from a fight and always had Janna by his side to take down the cow.

Table of Keywords

Below is a table of keywords related to the story:

Keyword Definition
Counter To find a way to defeat or overcome something
Alistar A champion in the game League of Legends known for his tankiness and crowd control abilities
Janna A champion in the game League of Legends known for her ability to disrupt enemy combos and keep her allies safe
Nemesis An opponent or rival who is extremely difficult to defeat or overcome
Cowardly Showing a lack of courage or bravery

In the end, Timmy was able to overcome his fear of Alistar and find a way to counter him. He may have been a cowardly support at first, but with the help of Janna, he became a force to be reckoned with. And whenever they faced off against Alistar, Timmy and Janna would always have a good laugh about how it all started.

Goodbye, Fellow Summoners: How to Outsmart Alistar Without Being Stomped

Well, well, well, here we are. We’ve come to the end of our journey to learn how to counter one of the most frustrating champions in League of Legends: Alistar. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride and have found some useful tips on how to outsmart this beast without getting stomped. It’s time to say goodbye, but before we part ways, let me give you a few final words of wisdom.

First and foremost, don’t be intimidated by Alistar’s massive size and bull-like appearance. Remember, he may look tough, but he’s not invincible. Use your wit and strategy to take him down.

Second, always be aware of Alistar’s abilities. He has a headbutt that can knock you out of position, a pulverize that can stun you, and his ultimate gives him insane damage reduction. But don’t worry, every ability has its weaknesses, and we’ve gone through them in detail in this article.

Third, don’t underestimate the importance of items. Certain items like Executioner’s Calling and Morellonomicon can reduce Alistar’s healing and make him vulnerable to attacks. Don’t forget to buy armor, magic resist, and health items to increase your survivability in fights.

Fourth, communication is key. If you’re playing with a team, make sure to keep your allies informed of Alistar’s location and movements. This way, you can coordinate your attacks and minimize the risk of getting caught off guard by his abilities.

Fifth, use the environment to your advantage. Alistar is a melee champion, which means he needs to get close to deal damage. If you’re playing on a map with bushes, use them to your advantage by hiding and waiting for Alistar to come to you. You can also use walls and terrain to dodge his abilities and make him waste his cooldowns.

Sixth, practice makes perfect. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed in countering Alistar right away. Keep practicing and experimenting with different strategies until you find the one that works best for you.

Seventh, don’t forget to have fun. At the end of the day, League of Legends is just a game, and it’s meant to be enjoyed. So don’t stress too much about winning or losing, and remember to take breaks when necessary to avoid burnout.

Eighth, always be respectful. Whether you win or lose, always be gracious and respectful towards your fellow summoners. Remember, we’re all here to have fun and enjoy the game.

Ninth, keep learning. League of Legends is a constantly evolving game, and there’s always something new to learn. Keep reading articles like this one, watching streams, and experimenting with different champions and builds to expand your knowledge and skills.

Tenth and final, thank you for reading. It’s been a pleasure sharing my knowledge and experience with you, and I hope you’ve found this article helpful in countering Alistar. Good luck on the Rift, fellow summoners, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Who Counter Alistar

Why is Alistar a problem?

Alistar, the Minotaur, is a tanky support champion in League of Legends. This means that he is meant to absorb damage and protect his allies. He has a lot of crowd control abilities, which can make it difficult for enemy champions to escape or fight back.

So who can counter Alistar?

Here are some champions who can give Alistar a tough time:

  1. Morgana: She can use her Black Shield ability to protect herself or an ally from Alistar's crowd control abilities.
  2. Janna: She can use her tornado ability to knock Alistar away from her or her allies.
  3. Thresh: He can use his Flay ability to pull Alistar away or interrupt his abilities.
  4. Nami: She can use her Aqua Prison ability to stun Alistar and prevent him from using his abilities.
  5. Braum: He can use his shield to block Alistar's abilities and protect his allies.

But what if I don't want to play those champions?

If you don't want to play any of those champions, there are still some things you can do to counter Alistar:

  • Stay behind minions: Alistar's crowd control abilities are much less effective when he can't hit you directly.
  • Bait out his abilities: Alistar's abilities have a long cooldown, so if you can get him to waste them, he will be much less effective in a fight.
  • Focus on his allies: Alistar is meant to protect his allies, so if you can take them out first, he won't be able to do much.

So there you have it!

If you're having trouble dealing with Alistar, try playing one of the champions listed above or follow one of the tips provided. And remember, don't let him moo-ve all over you! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)