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Crush your opponents with these top Genji counters - A guide for Overwatch players

Who Counters Genji

Want to counter Genji? Look no further! Check out our guide to learn which heroes are the best to take down this agile Overwatch hero.

Who counters Genji? That's a question that many players have asked themselves when facing off against this agile and deadly hero. Whether you're a seasoned Overwatch veteran or a newcomer to the game, you know just how frustrating it can be to deal with a skilled Genji player. But fear not, my friends, because there are plenty of heroes who can make Genji's life a living hell.

First up on our list of Genji counters is Winston. This lovable gorilla may not seem like much of a threat at first glance, but don't let his fuzzy exterior fool you. With his Tesla Cannon and his Barrier Projector, Winston is more than capable of taking down Genji. Plus, his mobility allows him to keep up with Genji's fast-paced movements, making it difficult for the ninja to escape his grasp.

Next, we have Mei. Now, I know what you're thinking - Mei is slow and clunky, how could she possibly counter Genji? But hear me out. Mei's ice abilities can slow Genji down, leaving him vulnerable to her Endothermic Blaster. And if Genji tries to use his Dragonblade, Mei can simply use her Ice Wall to block his path and freeze him in place. Talk about a cold reception!

Of course, we can't talk about Genji counters without mentioning McCree. This cowboy is one of the most reliable counters to Genji, thanks to his Flashbang ability. If timed correctly, McCree can stun Genji and take him out with ease. Plus, his Peacekeeper can deal massive damage to Genji from a distance, making it difficult for the ninja to get close.

Another hero who can give Genji a run for his money is Symmetra. With her Sentry Turrets and Photon Projector, Symmetra can easily take down Genji if he gets too close. Plus, her Teleporter allows her team to quickly flank and surprise Genji, catching him off guard and taking him out before he has a chance to react.

But what about heroes who can counter Genji in a more indirect way? Look no further than heroes like Ana and Zenyatta. While they may not be able to take on Genji head-on, their abilities allow them to debuff him and make him more vulnerable to attacks from their teammates. Ana's Biotic Grenade can prevent Genji from healing himself, while Zenyatta's Discord Orb can increase the damage he takes.

And let's not forget about the heroes who can counter Genji simply by being annoying. Heroes like Torbjorn and Symmetra can set up turrets that constantly chip away at Genji's health, making it difficult for him to engage in combat. And heroes like Junkrat and Pharah can use their explosive abilities to keep Genji at bay and force him to retreat.

Of course, it's important to remember that no hero is a guaranteed counter to Genji. A skilled Genji player can still wreak havoc on the battlefield, even against his supposed counters. But by using the right heroes and strategies, you can make it much more difficult for Genji to succeed.

So there you have it - a comprehensive guide to who counters Genji. Whether you prefer to take him on head-on or chip away at him from a distance, there's a hero out there who can help you shut down this pesky ninja. Happy hunting!


Genji, the cyber ninja, has been a staple in Overwatch since its release. With his swift movements and deadly shurikens, he can be a menace to deal with. However, like all heroes, he has his weaknesses. In this article, we'll take a look at who counters Genji and how to take him down with a humorous voice and tone.

The Tank Brigade

First up, we have the tank brigade. These large and in charge heroes can make Genji's life difficult with their high health pools and ability to absorb damage. Heroes like Reinhardt, Winston, and Orisa can easily stand their ground against Genji's attacks and provide a safe haven for their team.


Reinhardt is a great counter to Genji thanks to his massive shield. Genji's shurikens can't penetrate it, and his Dragonblade won't do much damage to Reinhardt's huge health pool. Plus, Reinhardt's Charge ability can easily take out a Genji in one hit, leaving him stunned and vulnerable.


Winston is another hero who can easily handle Genji. His Tesla Cannon can quickly take out Genji's small health pool, and his Barrier Projector can protect him from Genji's shurikens. Plus, Winston's Jump Pack ability allows him to quickly chase down Genji if he tries to run away.


Orisa's Fortify ability makes her immune to Genji's crowd control abilities, such as his Swift Strike and Dragonblade. She can also use her Halt ability to pull Genji out of position and make him an easy target for her teammates.

The Support Squad

Next up, we have the support squad. These heroes may not deal as much damage as other heroes, but they can still put a stop to Genji's antics.


Brigitte is a great counter to Genji thanks to her Shield Bash ability. If Genji tries to use his Swift Strike to escape or his Dragonblade to deal damage, Brigitte can quickly stun him and prevent him from doing so. Plus, her Repair Pack ability can easily heal any damage Genji manages to dish out.


Zenyatta's Orb of Discord is a great way to make Genji an easy target for his teammates. If Zenyatta can land the Orb on Genji, he'll take increased damage from all sources. Plus, Zenyatta's Orb of Harmony can help keep his teammates alive if Genji manages to deal some damage.

The Damage Dealers

Last but not least, we have the damage dealers. These heroes may not have as much health as the tank brigade, but they can still pack a punch and take out Genji in no time.


McCree's Flashbang ability can quickly stun Genji and leave him vulnerable to being taken out. Plus, McCree's high damage output with his Peacekeeper can quickly whittle away Genji's health.


Mei's Ice Wall ability can easily block off Genji's escape routes and leave him stranded. Plus, Mei's Endothermic Blaster can slow Genji down and make him an easy target for her teammates.


Creeper is a great hero to use against Genji, especially in close quarters. His ability to teleport behind enemies and deal massive damage with his shotgun can quickly take out Genji before he knows what hit him.


In conclusion, there are plenty of heroes who can counter Genji and make his life difficult. Whether it's the tank brigade, the support squad, or the damage dealers, these heroes have what it takes to take down the cyber ninja. So next time you're facing off against Genji, don't be afraid to switch up your hero and put a stop to his antics.

The Annoying Auntie: How Brigitte Ruins Genji's Day

Genji may be swift and nimble, but he's no match for Brigitte's annoyingly persistent shield. This Swedish squire can block his shurikens with ease, leaving him vulnerable to her flail. Not to mention her healing abilities that cancel out his swift strikes. It's like trying to fight your auntie at a family reunion - you know she's not going to let you win.

Overwatch's Dad Bod Hero: How Roadhog Can Hogtie Genji

Genji may think he's the slickest ninja around, but Roadhog's hook has other plans. One wrong move and Genji will find himself hogtied, struggling to break free from the rotund hero's grasp. Plus, have you seen Roadhog's belly? It's like a cushion that absorbs all of Genji's attacks. It's like trying to punch your dad after he's had too many beers - it's just not going to work.

Tanks for Nothing? Think Again: How Orisa Is the Bane of Genji's Existence

Genji may be quick on his feet, but Orisa is quicker with her fusion driver. Her constant stream of bullets make it nearly impossible for Genji to get close enough to deal any significant damage. And don't even get me started on her protective barrier. It's like trying to break into a bank vault with a toothpick.

The Angel That Packs a Punch: How Mercy Can Send Genji Packing

Genji may be a ninja, but he's no match for Mercy's angelic powers. Her healing beam nullifies his attacks while her damage boost amplifies her own. Plus, if Genji does manage to land a blow, Mercy can just fly away like a graceful bird. It's like trying to catch a butterfly with chopsticks.

What's Red and Blue and Wins All Over? How Winston Can Crush Genji's Dreams

Genji may think he's got the upper hand with his swift strikes, but Winston has the advantage of being a giant gorilla. His size and strength make it easy for him to swat Genji away like a pesky fly. And if Genji tries to escape, Winston can just leap after him like a majestic gazelle. It's like trying to outrun a freight train.

The Electric Shock Treatment: How Zarya Can Zap Genji on Sight

Genji may be able to deflect some attacks, but he's no match for Zarya's particle cannon. Her constant stream of electricity makes it impossible for him to get close enough to strike. Plus, her personal barrier allows her to absorb any damage he manages to dish out. It's like trying to swim in a pool filled with electric eels.

The Master of Chaos: How Junkrat Can Turn Genji into Scrap Metal

Genji may think he's got the upper hand with his swift movements, but Junkrat has the upper hand when it comes to chaos. His bombs and traps make it nearly impossible for Genji to maneuver around the battlefield. Plus, his ultimate ability can wipe out an entire team, leaving Genji as nothing more than scrap metal. It's like trying to dance in a minefield.

The Sneaky Sniper: How Widowmaker Can Pick off Genji from a Safe Distance

Genji may be able to deflect some attacks, but he's no match for Widowmaker's sniper rifle. Her shots can pick him off from a safe distance, leaving him with no way to retaliate. Plus, her grappling hook allows her to quickly escape if Genji gets too close for comfort. It's like trying to play hide-and-seek with a sniper.

The Queen Bee: How Symmetra's Turrets Can Buzz Genji Away

Genji may be able to dodge some attacks, but he's no match for Symmetra's turrets. These little buzzing bees can slow him down and deal significant damage, leaving him vulnerable to Symmetra's energy orbs. Plus, her teleporter allows her to quickly escape if Genji gets too close. It's like trying to fight an entire hive of angry bees.

The Ice Queen: How Mei Can Freeze Genji's Blades and Chill His Attempts at Revenge

Genji may be able to move quickly, but he's no match for Mei's ice abilities. Her freezing spray can quickly chill his swift strikes, leaving him vulnerable to her icicle shots. Plus, her ice wall can block his path and force him to take a longer route. It's like trying to run on an ice rink in roller skates.

In conclusion, Genji may be a skilled ninja, but he's no match for these Overwatch heroes. Whether it's Brigitte's shield or Roadhog's belly, these heroes have the upper hand when it comes to countering Genji. So, if you see Genji on the battlefield, remember these tips and crush his dreams of victory.

Who Counters Genji?

The Tale of the Unlucky Genji

Once upon a time, in the land of Overwatch, there lived a skilled ninja named Genji. He was fast, agile, and deadly with his shurikens. He had everything going for him, except for one thing: he was constantly getting countered.

Genji tried his best to avoid his counters, but they always seemed to find him. It was like they were drawn to him, like moths to a flame. And so, Genji found himself constantly on the losing end of battles, frustrated and defeated.

Who Counters Genji?

So, who exactly are Genji's counters? Let's take a look:

  1. Winston: This big, lovable gorilla may seem harmless, but he can easily take down Genji with his Tesla Cannon. Plus, his Barrier Projector makes it hard for Genji to get close.
  2. Zarya: Zarya's Particle Cannon is a powerful weapon that can quickly take down Genji's health. Plus, her Projected Barrier can protect her or her teammates from Genji's Dragonblade ultimate.
  3. Mei: Mei's freezing abilities can immobilize Genji, making him an easy target for her Endothermic Blaster. Plus, her Ice Wall can block Genji's Dragonblade and other abilities.
  4. Symmetra: Symmetra's turrets and Photon Projector can quickly take down a low-health Genji. Plus, her Teleporter and Shield Generator can provide her team with a strategic advantage.
  5. McCree: McCree's Flashbang can stun Genji, leaving him vulnerable to McCree's Peacekeeper. Plus, McCree's Deadeye ultimate can easily take out a low-health Genji.

As you can see, Genji has quite a few counters. But don't worry, Genji players, all hope is not lost. With practice and strategy, you can still be a formidable opponent.

The Moral of the Story

So, what can we learn from the tale of the unlucky Genji? Well, for one, it's important to know your counters and how to avoid them. But more importantly, it's important to have a sense of humor about it all. After all, Overwatch is just a game, and sometimes it's okay to laugh at ourselves when we get countered.

So, to all the Genji players out there, keep practicing, keep strategizing, and keep laughing. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one countering your opponents.

Keywords Definition
Genji A playable character in the video game Overwatch, known for his ninja-like abilities.
Counter A character or strategy that is particularly effective against another character or strategy.
Winston A playable character in Overwatch, known for his gorilla-like appearance and Tesla Cannon weapon.
Zarya A playable character in Overwatch, known for her Particle Cannon weapon and defensive abilities.
Mei A playable character in Overwatch, known for her ice-themed abilities and Endothermic Blaster weapon.
Symmetra A playable character in Overwatch, known for her turrets and Photon Projector weapon.
McCree A playable character in Overwatch, known for his cowboy-like appearance and Peacekeeper weapon.

Who Counters Genji? No one. He's too cool.

Hey there, fellow gamers! Thanks for stopping by to read my article about who counters Genji in Overwatch. I know you came here looking for some serious answers, but let me tell you, there's really no need to worry. Because the truth is, no one can counter Genji. Why, you ask? Well, simply put, he's just too cool for anyone to handle.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But wait, what about Winston's Tesla Cannon? What about McCree's Flashbang? Sure, those abilities may cause a bit of damage to our favorite cyborg ninja, but let's be real here. Genji can deflect pretty much anything you throw at him with ease.

So, instead of focusing on who counters Genji, let's take a moment to appreciate just how awesome he really is. Have you seen his swift and fluid movements? The way he can jump and dash all over the place like a graceful acrobat? Not to mention his incredible skills with a sword.

And let's not forget about his shurikens. Those things are deadly accurate, and can take out enemies from a distance. Plus, he has the ability to climb walls and even double jump. I mean, come on. How can anyone possibly counter that?

Some may argue that teamwork is the key to taking down Genji. But even then, it's still a pretty tough task. With his mobility and agility, he can easily escape sticky situations and get back into the fight in no time.

So, what's the best way to deal with Genji then? Well, the answer is simple. Embrace the power of the cyborg ninja. That's right, instead of trying to counter him, why not join him? Pick up Genji as your main hero and show off your skills to the world. Trust me, there's nothing more satisfying than landing a swift kill with his ultimate ability, Dragonblade.

Of course, if you're still set on countering Genji, then I suppose you could always try to catch him off guard. Ambush him from behind when he least expects it, or bait out his deflect ability before attacking. But be warned, Genji players are a crafty bunch. They know all the tricks of the trade, and can turn the tables on you in an instant.

So, in conclusion, who counters Genji? No one, that's who. He's just too cool for anyone to handle. Instead of worrying about taking him down, let's all appreciate the awesomeness that is the cyborg ninja. And who knows, maybe someday we'll all be skilled enough to play him at his own game.

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

Who Counters Genji?

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Oh, Genji. The Shimada ninja who jumps around like a caffeinated bunny on steroids. But fear not, there are heroes out there who can put him in his place.

  1. Winston: This monkey scientist may seem like a gentle giant, but he can easily zap Genji with his Tesla Cannon. Plus, his Barrier Projector makes it hard for Genji to escape.
  2. Zarya: With her Particle Cannon and Energy Grenades, Zarya can take down Genji's health quickly. Plus, her Particle Barrier can block his Shurikens.
  3. Mei: Yes, Mei can freeze Genji with her Endothermic Blaster. And once he's frozen, she can finish him off with her Icicle or call in her friends to do the same.

But wait, there's more! If you're feeling extra spicy, try playing as Symmetra or Torbjorn. Their turrets can make Genji's life a living hell. And if all else fails, just switch to Hanzo and shoot him in the head. Works every time.

As for countering Genji's Deflect, just wait until it's over before attacking him. Or better yet, use a hero with non-projectile attacks like Reinhardt or Winston.

So there you have it, folks. Genji may be fast and flashy, but he's not invincible. Just remember to stay calm, aim well, and don't let him get under your skin. Happy hunting!