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Unveiling the Mystery: The Shocking Truth About Who Killed Hashirama - A Deep Dive into the Death of the Legendary Naruto Character

Who Killed Hashirama

Find out the truth behind the death of Hashirama, the legendary ninja and founder of Konohagakure, in this thrilling mystery novel.

Who killed Hashirama? That's the million-dollar question that has been on every fan's mind since the inception of the Naruto series. The answer to this mystery has been shrouded in secrecy, and the rumors have only fueled the fire of speculation. But fear not, my fellow Naruto geeks, for I have done some digging and come up with some juicy insights into the matter. So buckle up, folks, and get ready to dive into the murky waters of this unsolved case.

First of all, let's take a look at the suspects. There are numerous characters who could have had a motive to kill Hashirama, ranging from his rivals to his own clan members. But one name stands out from the crowd- Madara Uchiha. Yes, that's right, the infamous antagonist of the series is the prime suspect in this case. And why, you ask? Well, for starters, he and Hashirama were sworn enemies, locked in a battle for supremacy that spanned decades. Madara was jealous of Hashirama's power and popularity, and it's not far-fetched to assume that he would go to any lengths to eliminate his nemesis.

But wait, there's more. It's rumored that Madara had a secret weapon up his sleeve- the Nine-Tailed Fox. He may have used the beast to attack Hashirama during a crucial battle, thus dealing the fatal blow. And knowing Madara's cunning nature, it's entirely possible that he covered his tracks well enough to avoid suspicion.

However, there are those who argue that Madara couldn't have possibly killed Hashirama, given their complicated history. Some even speculate that Hashirama may have taken his own life, either out of despair or as a way to protect his loved ones. After all, he was a selfless leader who always put the needs of his people before his own.

Another theory suggests that there was a third party involved, someone who had a vested interest in seeing Hashirama dead. It could have been a rogue ninja or even a foreign nation that saw him as a threat to their own power. The possibilities are endless, and the truth may never be known.

But one thing is for sure- the death of Hashirama had a profound impact on the world of Naruto. It paved the way for new leaders to emerge, new alliances to form, and new conflicts to arise. Without his sacrifice, the village of Konoha would not exist as we know it today.

So, who killed Hashirama? The answer remains elusive, but that hasn't stopped fans from speculating and theorizing. Perhaps someday, the truth will come to light, and we can finally put this mystery to rest. Until then, let's continue to celebrate the legacy of the legendary First Hokage and honor his memory.

The Mysterious Death of Hashirama Senju

Hashirama Senju, the founder of Konoha, was one of the greatest shinobi to ever exist. With his Wood Release jutsu and unparalleled leadership skills, he was able to bring peace to the warring clans and establish a village that would become the strongest ninja village in the world. But despite all of his accomplishments, his life was cut short by an unknown assailant. Who killed Hashirama? Let's take a look at some of the suspects.

The Uchiha Clan

The Uchiha clan had a long-standing feud with the Senju clan, and Hashirama was the leader of the Senju. It's possible that the Uchiha were seeking revenge for their past defeats at the hands of the Senju, and saw Hashirama as the perfect target. However, there's no concrete evidence linking the Uchiha to Hashirama's death, and it's unclear if they had the means to carry out such a high-profile assassination.

The Akatsuki

The Akatsuki was a secretive organization made up of some of the most powerful criminals in the shinobi world. They were known for their ruthless tactics and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. It's possible that Hashirama was seen as a threat to the Akatsuki's plans, and they decided to eliminate him. However, the Akatsuki didn't exist during Hashirama's time, so they can be ruled out as suspects.

The Senju Clan

It's possible that Hashirama's own clan was responsible for his death. Perhaps there was a power struggle within the ranks of the Senju, and someone saw Hashirama as an obstacle to their own ambitions. However, this theory doesn't hold much water, as the Senju were known for their loyalty to Hashirama and their commitment to his vision for the village.

The Village Hidden in the Mist

The Village Hidden in the Mist was another powerful ninja village that had a history of conflict with Konoha. It's possible that the Mist saw Hashirama as a threat to their own interests, and decided to eliminate him. However, there's no evidence to suggest that the Mist was involved in Hashirama's death.


Orochimaru was one of the greatest villains in the Naruto universe, and his thirst for power knew no bounds. It's possible that Orochimaru saw Hashirama as a threat to his own ambitions, and decided to eliminate him. However, Orochimaru wasn't born until long after Hashirama's death, so he can't be considered a suspect.

Tobirama Senju

Tobirama Senju, Hashirama's younger brother, was the Second Hokage of Konoha. While Tobirama was known for his loyalty to his brother, it's possible that he saw Hashirama as a hindrance to his own leadership. Perhaps Tobirama felt that he could run the village more efficiently than Hashirama, and decided to take matters into his own hands. However, there's no concrete evidence to support this theory.

Madara Uchiha

Madara Uchiha was Hashirama's greatest rival, and the two fought many times over the course of their lives. It's possible that Madara saw Hashirama as a threat to his own ambitions, and decided to eliminate him. However, Madara and Hashirama eventually reconciled their differences and became close friends, so it's unlikely that Madara would have killed him.

The Third Hokage

Hiruzen Sarutobi was the Third Hokage of Konoha, and he was known for his wisdom and leadership skills. However, it's possible that Hiruzen saw Hashirama as a threat to his own power, and decided to eliminate him. This theory is supported by the fact that Hiruzen was able to ascend to the position of Hokage after Hashirama's death. However, there's no concrete evidence to support this theory.

The Truth

Despite all of the theories and speculation, the truth behind Hashirama's death remains a mystery. It's possible that he died of natural causes, or that he was killed by someone who was never caught. Whatever the case may be, Hashirama's legacy lives on, and his contributions to the shinobi world will never be forgotten.


While we may never know who killed Hashirama, it's clear that his impact on the Naruto universe can still be felt to this day. His vision for a world without war and conflict continues to inspire new generations of ninja, and his Wood Release jutsu remains one of the most powerful and unique techniques in the series. Rest in peace, Hashirama Senju.

Who Killed Hashirama? A Forest of Suspects

It was a dark day in the Hidden Leaf Village when the news broke out that Hashirama, the First Hokage, had been found dead in the forest. The village was sent into a frenzy, and many questions were raised. Who could have committed such a heinous act? Was it someone from the village, or an outsider? The crime scene was vast, and the suspects were many. The forest was filled with potential culprits, and the village needed answers.

Did Tobirama Break Bad?

Theories began to emerge about who could have killed Hashirama. One of the most popular theories was that Tobirama, Hashirama's younger brother, was responsible. Many believed that Tobirama was jealous of his brother's power and was driven to commit the unthinkable. However, those who knew Tobirama well knew that he was a man of honor and would never stoop so low. The theory quickly lost steam, and the search for the real killer continued.

Could It Have Been Orochimaru?

Another popular theory was that Orochimaru, a former member of the Hidden Leaf Village, was responsible for Hashirama's death. Orochimaru was known for his dark and twisted experiments, and many believed that he had finally snapped. The evidence against him was compelling, but there was one problem - Orochimaru was nowhere to be found. The village launched a search for him, but he remained elusive. It seemed unlikely that he would have gone through all the trouble of killing Hashirama only to disappear without a trace.

Hiruzen Sarutobi Defends Himself

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, was another suspect in the case. As Hashirama's successor, Hiruzen had a lot to gain from his death. However, he vehemently denied any involvement and provided a solid alibi for the time of the crime. His alibi was backed up by several witnesses, and he was quickly cleared of any wrongdoing.

Madara's Jealousy?

As the investigation continued, a motive for the crime began to emerge. Many believed that Madara Uchiha, a former friend of Hashirama's and one of the village's most notorious villains, was responsible for the murder. Madara was known for his jealousy of Hashirama's power, and some believed that he had finally acted on his resentment. However, Madara was also dead, having been killed years earlier by Hashirama himself. The theory seemed unlikely, but the village remained on high alert.

Was Tsunade Involved?

Tsunade, Hashirama's granddaughter and one of the most powerful ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village, was another suspect in the case. Some believed that she had grown tired of living in her grandfather's shadow and had decided to take matters into her own hands. However, like Hiruzen, Tsunade had a solid alibi for the time of the crime, and there was no evidence to suggest that she was involved.

Danzo Comes Clean

The investigation continued for weeks, with no clear suspect in sight. It wasn't until Danzo, a former member of the Hidden Leaf Village's leadership council, came forward with a confession that the case began to unravel. Danzo admitted that he had been jealous of Hashirama's power and had orchestrated his death. He revealed that he had hired a group of mercenaries to carry out the deed and had been working behind the scenes to cover it up. The village was shocked by Danzo's confession, and he was promptly arrested and brought to trial.

Itachi's Unexpected Involvement

Just when it seemed like the case had been solved, a new twist emerged. Itachi Uchiha, a former member of the Hidden Leaf Village who had been presumed dead for years, came forward with new evidence that threw the entire investigation into chaos. Itachi revealed that he had been working with Danzo to gather information about the murder and had discovered that there was more to the case than anyone had realized. Itachi's unexpected involvement added a new layer of complexity to the case and forced the village to reevaluate everything they thought they knew.

Could Kaguya Be the Killer?

As the investigation continued, the suspect list began to expand once again. Some believed that Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ancient goddess who had been sealed away centuries ago, was responsible for the murder. Kaguya was known for her immense power and had a long-standing grudge against the Hidden Leaf Village. It seemed like a long shot, but with so many twists and turns in the case, anything was possible.

The True Killer is Revealed (And It's Not Who You Think)

After months of investigation, the true killer was finally revealed - and it was not who anyone had expected. The killer was none other than Hashirama himself. It was a shocking revelation that rocked the village to its core. Hashirama had been suffering from a rare and deadly illness, and he had taken his own life to spare the village from the pain and suffering that would come with his prolonged illness. It was a tragic end to a tragic story, and the village mourned the loss of its beloved First Hokage.

In the end, the investigation into Hashirama's death had uncovered a web of lies, deceit, and jealousy that had been hiding just beneath the surface of the Hidden Leaf Village. It was a reminder that even in a world of powerful ninja and incredible abilities, the darkest threats often come from within.

Who Killed Hashirama?

The Mystery Unraveled

Hashirama, the founder of the Hidden Leaf Village, was found dead in his own office. The news spread like wildfire and every ninja was on high alert. Who could have committed such an atrocious crime? The investigation began, and everyone was a suspect. But the question remained - Who killed Hashirama?

The Suspects

The list of suspects was long, and it included some of the most powerful ninjas in the village. Here is a list of the top suspects:

  1. Tobirama Senju: Hashirama's younger brother who was always in his shadow.
  2. Orochimaru: A former member of the Hidden Leaf Village who had a grudge against Hashirama and his ideals.
  3. Danzo Shimura: A ninja who always opposed Hashirama's methods and was jealous of his power.
  4. Madara Uchiha: Hashirama's rival and enemy who always wanted to surpass him.
  5. Kakuzu: A notorious bounty hunter who was known for his love of money and had been seen around the Hidden Leaf Village lately.

The Investigation

The investigation was led by none other than Naruto Uzumaki, who was now the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. He started by questioning each of the suspects and analyzing the evidence. After days of hard work, he finally solved the mystery.

The Killer

The killer was none other than Tobirama Senju, Hashirama's own brother. He was jealous of his brother's success and power and had always felt overshadowed by him. When he found out that Hashirama was planning to step down as the Hokage and hand over the reins to Naruto, he snapped and killed him in a fit of rage.

Naruto was shocked when he found out the truth. He couldn't believe that it was Hashirama's own brother who had killed him. However, justice was served, and Tobirama was punished for his crime.

The Humorous Point of View

Well, well, well, look what we have here. A murder mystery in the Hidden Leaf Village! Who could have thought that we would see something like this? I mean, come on, we have ninjas jumping from rooftops and throwing shurikens at each other every day, but a murder? That's just plain crazy!

Now, let's talk about the suspects. We have Tobirama, Orochimaru, Danzo, Madara, and Kakuzu. If you ask me, all of them look guilty as hell! I mean, have you seen their faces? They all have this evil grin that screams I did it!.

But, after days of investigation, our hero Naruto finally cracked the case. And guess what? The killer was none other than Tobirama! Wow, what a shocker! I mean, who could have guessed that the younger brother who always lived in his brother's shadow would be the one to kill him? It's like something straight out of a soap opera!

All jokes aside, it was a sad day for the Hidden Leaf Village when Hashirama was killed. But, justice was served, and the killer was punished. And who knows, maybe this murder mystery will inspire a new generation of crime fighters in the village. I can already see the headlines - Naruto Uzumaki, the Detective Hokage. Boy, that would be something!


  • Hashirama
  • Hidden Leaf Village
  • Ninja
  • Suspects
  • Tobirama
  • Orochimaru
  • Danzo
  • Madara
  • Kakuzu
  • Murder Mystery
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Hokage

Goodbye, Fellow Detectives!

Well, folks, we’ve come to the end of our investigation into the murder of Hashirama. It’s been a wild ride, but unfortunately, we still don’t have a definite answer as to who did it. However, that doesn't mean that our efforts were in vain. We’ve learned a lot about the characters involved and their motives, and we’ve had some laughs along the way.

It’s time for us to hang up our detective hats and move on to other mysteries, but before we do, let’s take a moment to recap what we’ve discovered.

Firstly, we know that Hashirama was killed by someone close to him. The evidence suggests that it was either Madara or Tobirama - both had the motive and opportunity to commit the crime. However, we can’t say for sure which one of them did it.

We also learned that there were several other suspects, such as Orochimaru and Danzo. While they may have had motives to kill Hashirama, the evidence against them was weak, and they didn’t have the same level of opportunity as Madara and Tobirama.

Throughout our investigation, we’ve encountered some interesting theories and speculations. Some people believe that Hashirama faked his own death, while others think that he was killed by an unknown third party. While these ideas are intriguing, there’s no concrete evidence to support them.

One thing that we can all agree on is that the murder of Hashirama has had a significant impact on the Naruto universe. His death set off a chain of events that led to the formation of Konoha and the start of the ninja system as we know it. Without his sacrifice, the world would be a very different place.

So, what now? We’ve done all we can to solve the mystery of who killed Hashirama, but we’re still left with more questions than answers. Perhaps one day, new evidence will come to light and we’ll finally know the truth. Or maybe it’ll forever remain a mystery.

Regardless, I want to thank you all for joining me on this journey. Your passion for the Naruto universe and your dedication to solving this mystery has been inspiring. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my musings and theories, and that you’ll continue to support me on future adventures.

Until then, stay curious, stay skeptical, and keep searching for the truth!

Farewell, fellow detectives!

Who Killed Hashirama? People Also Ask

Who is Hashirama?

Hashirama Senju was the founder of Konohagakure, who was also known as the First Hokage. He was one of the strongest and most powerful shinobi of his time, known for his Wood Release technique.

Did Madara Uchiha kill Hashirama?

No, Madara Uchiha did not kill Hashirama. In fact, Hashirama and Madara were once close friends who founded Konoha together. However, their friendship turned sour when they disagreed over how to run the village.

So, who killed Hashirama?

Well, nobody really knows who killed Hashirama. There are many theories and rumors about his death, but none of them have been confirmed. Some people believe that he died of natural causes, while others think that he was assassinated by an enemy ninja.

But why do people care so much about who killed Hashirama?

Well, for starters, Hashirama was a legendary figure in the world of Naruto. He was one of the most beloved characters in the series, and his death was a major event. Plus, solving the mystery of his death would give fans closure and help them understand more about the world of Naruto.

Is there any evidence to suggest who might have killed Hashirama?

Unfortunately, there is no concrete evidence to suggest who might have killed Hashirama. Some fans have speculated that it could have been one of his own clan members, or perhaps an enemy ninja from another village. But until we get more information, it's all just speculation.

So, what's the bottom line?

The bottom line is that we don't know who killed Hashirama. It's one of the great mysteries of the Naruto universe, and one that may never be solved. But that doesn't stop fans from speculating and coming up with their own theories! After all, half the fun of being a fan is debating and discussing the things you love.

Any last words on the topic?

Just remember, folks: if you ever find yourself face-to-face with Hashirama Senju, be sure to treat him with the respect he deserves. Or else...well, we don't want to find out what happens when you mess with the First Hokage!